Gregory Cohen, Western Sydney University

Gregory Cohen, Western Sydney University

associate professor

Greg Cohen is the lead researcher of International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems at Western Sydney University that has developed a world-first space imaging technology to capture Transient Luminous Events (TLEs). In partnership with the United States Air Force Academy, the ground-breaking camera technology will be deployed to the International Space Station for a research and development (R&D) project investigating the recently discovered atmospheric phenomena, which impact Earth’s atmosphere and have potential to disrupt critical global communications systems and high-altitude aircraft. The world-leading application of neuromorphic cameras in space research is a significant innovation that has put Western Sydney on the global map and is important in super-charging the region as a high-skill jobs hub across aerospace and defence. Neuromorphic systems also have other applications, with the university working with government, big-tech partners, and local business to use the platform for solving real-world challenges and creating new industries.