Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School


Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School is a high-quality, independent, Anglican, co-educational grammar school that serves the southern Gold Coast, Tweed Coast and northern New South Wales. We seek to provide the distinctive identity, relationships, learning and leadership that support our staff and families to work together to meet our high expectations for the achievement and holistic development of our students in our local, national and international communities.


Within our Anglican tradition, each member of our community is nurtured in our values of compassion wisdom and respect.


We cultivate learning through relationships, expert teaching, educational research and innovation that focus on leadership, standards and collaboration.


"I believe that for young people to reach their potential, we must value the total educational program and the holistic development of students. This includes focusing on the cognitive, physical, spiritual, creative, personal and social development of the students and providing learning opportunities within the classroom, across the curriculum, beyond the classroom and beyond the School. It incorporates the learning, knowledge, understanding and skills gained from co-curricular engagement, developing the God-given passions, gifts, talents and interests of each student.” Principal Stuart Marquardt.


Company Name:

Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School

