Matthew Harris, Templestowe College

Matthew Harris, Templestowe College

leader of senior pathways and school operations

Matthew Harris is one the reasons why Templestowe College remains one of the most innovative schools in Australia today.

Harris is the one in charge of designing timetables to be used for each of the students’ individualised learning plan, whilst ensuring staff are teaching in areas they are skilled and passionate over. This means each of the school’s 1,250 students has their own program that is built around their choice from more than 150 subject options.

Harris is also the “go to” person for operations in the school. This includes redesigning the structure of the week to incorporate a science and research-based approach to the times of the day. This took into account a new structure to the length of lessons, the want to bring in more breaks between classes to allow students to prepare for their next class, as well as the introduction of a new wellbeing program. Harris has also shown a high level of skill when teaching his classes. He uses technology coupled with his very relational approach to increase engagement and improve outcomes for his students.