Ave Maria College

Ave Maria College

In 2019 Ave Maria College introduced a program called ‘STEP’, an ongoing, cyclical process consisting of structured, yet flexible, stages and activities for Supporting Teachers to Enhance their Practice. The cycle and activities are adaptable to suit teachers of all levels of experience and reflective of their teaching load. Staff proactively engage in professional growth through a process of strategically aligned goal setting, student and peer feedback, professional leaning conversations and self-reflection. The student feedback component of STEP involves ‘student Experience Surveys’ which are distributed at the midpoint of each semester. The survey consists of statements that reflect the language and principles of the Learning Charter. Students are asked to indicate how frequently they experience these actions in each class on a scale of never to always. The surveys are anonymous, ensuring that students feel comfortable giving feedback. At the completion of the survey period, staff are provided with useful data about each class, with comparative data including school, domain and year level averages. Students are also presented with an overview of the data to ensure they know that their voice is being heard.