Genazzano FCJ College, Kew, VIC

Genazzano FCJ College, Kew, VIC

The Genazzano Institute of Learning and Brain Sciences has introduced several cornerstone programs aimed at fostering individual talents and pathways, with a specific focus on neurodiversity.

The institute’s iLEARN Profiler invites students to share their views of strengths, challenges, classroom experience, mindset, metacognition, motivation, and more. The data provides valuable insights into learners, guides teachers to offer students with the right support and accommodation, and facilitates powerful learning conversations. The EMERGENCE program, meanwhile, offers a broad suite of courses and activities to develop professional-readiness skills through a Microcredential platform and a digital ePortfolio.

Other unique activities on offer at Genazzano include BrainStory (brain diversity education at Year 7) and ‘GenCurious’ (neuroscience research projects at Year 9). Students can undertake courses in artificial intelligence, explore thought control with brain wearables, and experience mixed-reality learning in Science, Humanities, and the Arts. There is also GEN-i-US, an engaging self-directed breadth program designed to empower students to become confident, well-rounded future leaders.

The institute also recently delivered a number of successful events to celebrate and promote learning diversity, including a worldwide online student competition, Explain the Brain, and a student-led conference exploring Neurodiversity in the Classroom.