David Gonski now has a panel of educators and policy experts who will decide how best to allocate the Federal Government’s $23.5bn to Australia’s schools.
Announcing the development this morning, Federal Education Minister, Simon Birmingham, hailed the reivew as "a turning point for Australian education", saying it will set a pathway to turnaround Australia's stagnating and declining student performance and help to boost the preparedness of students for life after school.
“With needs-based funding in place, schools and teachers will have the support they need as well as resources they can use to focus on the programs that are best suited to their students," Birmingham said.
“This panel of experts brings together a wealth of knowledge from across Australia, blending individuals with practical classroom experience or school leadership roles with national leaders in public policy.
The panel, which represents all three school sectors, will spend the next eight months examining how the additional resources can improve teaching and learning in classrooms throughout the country.
The panel conducting the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools includes:
- Chair - Mr David Gonski AC
- Dr Ken Boston AO
- Mr Terrey Arcus AM
- Dr Lisa O’Brien
- Ms Valerie Gould
- Dr Lee-Anne Perry AM
- Ms Wendy Johnson
- Mr Michael Roberts
Birmingham encouraged everyone with an interest in school systems to think outside the square when engaging with the review.
“Australia has so many fantastic schools and teachers, but across a range of domestic and international indicators our results are stagnating and in some cases, slipping,” he said in a statement today.
“We know how vital needs-based funding is for our schools and students and that’s exactly what the Turnbull Government’s recent reforms have delivered.”
Gonski said he "welcomed the fact that the Turnbull Government has embraced needs based funding for schools in Australia."
“The review panel has a unique opportunity to assist in putting Australian schooling on a better path for success,” Gonski said in a statement.
“I believe that the panel has an excellent balance of skills and backgrounds to work on quality reforms”.
The Review will report to the Prime Minister and Minister Birmingham by March 2018.