Parents, carers, and wider school communities can now access the latest individual school information on the My School website, which has been updated for 2023 with the latest school-level NAPLAN data and new profile information on schools.
The December 2023 My School update includes the latest NAPLAN results for schools; school profile and population data; school attendance data for Semester 1; school financial information, including capital expenditure and funding sources; and vocational education training participation and outcomes from 2022.
Both the My School website and the latest National Report on Schooling data portal update show an increase in student attendance during Terms 1 and 2.
Overall, the national attendance rate increased by 2.1 percentage points to 88.6% (up from 86.5%), and the national attendance level – the proportion of students in Years 1-10 whose attendance rate is equal to or greater than 90 percent – was up by 11.7 percentage points to 61.6% (up from 49.9%).
ACARA’s Acting CEO, Stephen Gniel said My School is an important education resource for parents, carers, families, and the broader Australian community.
“It is the only single source that provides nationally consistent information on schooling right across the nation,” Gniel said.
“For parents and carers, ACARA’s My School website provides detailed information for around 10,000 schools across Australia on literacy and numeracy results over time, student and teacher numbers, attendance rates as well as a school’s income and expenditure.”
Gniel added that with the change to holding NAPLAN earlier in the year for the first time in 2023, this delivers “a key benefit” that My School has now been updated with the NAPLAN current-year results alongside school attendance, profile and population information from the same year.
“My School is also a vital resource for teachers and school leaders by offering them key insights into school performance, achievements, and characteristics, supporting and driving improvements around Australia.”